c u r r e n t l y

Leave it to me to injure my arm at the start of a pandemic. My roll has been significantly (and frustratingly) slowed because of it, but I’m still trying to find time to create where I’m able. Yesterday was a sketch of my hands from an old photo, when times where good and nothing hurt. So, things and stuff as ever. & thank you to everyone who has contacted me about commissions. It’s amazing to have your support through this time when all creatives like myself’s careers are pretty much royally effed. It’s like 2008 on repeat but with much higher stakes. Be safe and sane, magical people. & please stay home.

Inktober 2017

Trying to see it through the whole 30 days of inktober this time around. Here's the last week - didn't mean to, but I think I've hit on a theme here. Let's see where it goes?

If you want to follow along with my daily drawings, my Instagram is where it's at. (Where's day one you ask? Good question. You'll have to get to my Instagram to see the time lapse of it. It's a bit NSFW)

Screen Shot 2017-10-08 at 5.25.33 PM.jpg

Back to Brando

Been about a year since I was totally bent on Brando's intense gaze. High time I got back to it.



To see more in this series begun last year, click here and scroll down (there's quite a few). I have no excuse for focusing so hard on his gaze apart from being forever in love with expressive eyes.